Matt Chandler
Take Your Vitamin Z: John Piper Interviews Matt Chandler: I'm thinking, for example, of Matt Chandler's comments from time to time that elder board votes go against him all the time, and that's how it should be. He's certainly the leader of the Village Church, but he doesn't have undue
Church Matters: The 9Marks Blog: Ed Stetzer, Ken Blanchard (New Age/Contemplative promoter), Alan Hirsch, Darrin Patrick, Francis Chan, Shane Claiborne, Matt Chandler. This conference includes women pastors and head over various church ministries.
Surph's Side: Emergent Conference: Exponential 10: Are you? 1 day ago pwilson please tell me that you throw an occasional, 'Good Buddy' in there!! 1 day ago One of my favorite books is PhilippiansAnybody interested in a 12 wk home study? Would be using Matt Chandler's material.