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Boston Tea Party

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Boston Tea Party
Boston Tea Party - : The liberal media plans not to cover but instead crash the tax day tea parties.
Boston Tea Party's Real Meaning: I'm not completely sure, but wasn't the original Tea Party in Boston Harbor considered quite LIBERAL for the time? So, what's the Tea Party Express' problem with being liberal...Liberal is a form of more openmindedness then
CNN Political Ticker: All Politics, All The Time Blog Archive: 16th moneybomb effort so that we can again shock the establishment on the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party. Pledge at and check out his campaign website at reply to this
Reason Morning Links: Afghan Troop Surge Numbers Already: How dare you throw that tea into Boston Harbor! Such is the anti-democratic arrogance of telling us if we don't instantly give Wall Street $700 billion, then we are destroying America.

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